Discover how some of Hollywood's biggest stars get in shape and look their best within weeks.

We'll reveal the tips and techniques of one of America's most sought-after diet and fitness experts.

Fill in the form to get the special report for free!

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Here's what you will learn in this special report

How to create a plan

How to create a plan that is sustainable and works quickly

Meals you want to eat a day

How many meals you want to eat a day to boost your metabolism and burn fat

5 Key Factors to a Fat Burning Workout

The 5 key factors to a fat burning workout you can do in less than 30 minutes a day

Discover the scientific breakthrough
that has become the secret weapon on the war on fat!

Results May Vary From Person To Person *

Success stories

"I've tried so many diets without any lasting success, I was back in my pre-pregnancy jeans in two months! And I've learned how to keep it off."

"My After-After is my family's well-being, one healthy meal and supplement at a time." *

- Becky

Learn why carbs are ok
and which ones to choose

Learn why carbs are ok

We’ll reveal why most diets leave you feeling hungry
and what to do about it

We’ll share links to helpful resources
and more…

Results May Vary From Person To Person *

Success stories

"I used to feel like an outsider. Now, I'm finally able to go out for sports, and I'm president of my high school intramural club!"

"My After-After is my ability to actually enjoy life. I'm no longer in the shadows; I'm living my life!" *

- Aaron


  • 7 big secrets to losing weight
  • 7 big secrets to losing weight content
  • why most diets don't work
  • lose the right weight
  • healthy carbs to choose
  • benefits of hydration
  • tips to fit exercise into your life

About Me

Thanks for visiting my site!

I’m excited to have the chance to share this incredibly important and possibly life-altering information with you. It’s actually about more than just helping you look better and lose some weight. It addresses the most important issue you face.
Your health!
Your health is your greatest wealth. If you lose this valuable asset, you’ll end up spending everything you have emotionally and financially to get it back. And it’s now been proven that maintaining a healthy weight is a critical factor in living a healthy, disease-free life.  So here is my story and how it helped me.

Fourteen years ago,
I had just learned from my cardiologist that my cholesterol was 286 and I was 140
lbs.  I needed to do something about it
because they wanted to put me on "Statin Medicines".  I didn't want that.
That weekend, I went to the Shaklee Excite meeting
in Tarrytown, NY, and met Sophia. She had an extra 40 lbs. on her too.  I thought she was a very nice person and she had
just joined Shaklee the day before. 

I saw Sophia, 3
months later at Carole’s luncheon and asked, “Who is the new girl over there?”
Carole said, " That's Sophia from the Excite Meeting in Tarrytown." 

I went up to
Sophia and said Hi and asked, how did you lose the weight?” she said, "I
did the Shaklee 180 and I followed the system exactly the way they said to do
it."  I said to her, "If you
can do it, then so can I!"  I left
the luncheon that day and went home and ordered the Shaklee 180 package and got
started on it the very next day after it came in. 

I said to
myself, It's only for 3 months" and if I can lose 15 lbs., I will be very
happy!  So I got started and I
replaced 2 meals a day with Shaklee 180. 

I'm a Clemson & Cornell
Master Gardener and have grown my own vegetables for approximately 32 years,
driven Tractor-Trailer cross our country, and hauled our food, it has woken me up.  I also worked at a chemical plant and learned a lot there too! 

Seventeen years ago,
I was very sick because of my cleaners and when I changed to "Get
Clean", my health issues became 80% better.  That included sore throats, upper
respiratory infections-Big Time, and Bronchitis.  Yes, mostly due to bleach and ammonia cleaners but that wasn't all of them.  Oh, how I could tell you stories. 

Now it was my
weight, cholesterol, no energy, diverticulitis, PVC heart palpitations
regularly, chronic yeast infections, and menopause kicking in too! 

I started on
Vitalizer Gold, Omega Guard, Cholesterol Reduction, and Energizing Soy Protein
to start and of course, my Shaklee 180 weight loss kit was on that list too!  Within 3 months, I lost 16 lbs. and got my
life back.  I went from 140 lbs. to 124 lbs., lots of energy, cholesterol 286 to 209, PVC palpitations calmed down,
chronic yeast infections went away, and menopause - still there but very manageable
and I can handle that.  I also changed
the way I ate, much more healthier - more vegetables, hardly any meat - just
chicken, turkey, and fish, 6 oz., 3x/wk. only, and walked 30 minutes a day! 

My life has
changed just because I met Sophia and she made me realize that I could lose weight too because she did!  Plus, I wasn't going to let someone younger than me do it and I couldn't, no way!  Yes, I was 55 years old at that time and she
was 45 years old. 

Thank you
Shaklee for making a "Shaklee 180 Weight Loss Kit" and my husband and I Thank you, Sophia! 

I have saved in healthcare costs alone on me,
$2500.00/year!  No doctors except for
wellness visits, most of the time!  I'm not on any medicine at all either. 

One of the main reasons I want to share this e-book with as many people as possible is that I’m tired of seeing people and their families struggle to find the right answers for maintaining a healthy weight. I hope my special report can help you as much as it’s helped so many others who’ve already read it. 

Here’s to your Healthy Weight! 
